Christophe Blattmann
3D Artist & 3D Generalist
Scripts & Videogames by Christophe Blattmann
Fast Architecture 2.0.1
Script for 3dsMax

Purchase through the Autodesk app store
Purchase through Gumroad
Fast Architecture generates an architectural structure through a custom procedural mesh object, you can change parameters and watch the results in real time. It's an easy and intuitive way to create a building at a simple level, its versatility allows you to create your own style, useful for the creation of urban backgrounds.
This plug-in creates a FA_Building object which works as any 3ds Max object: any deformer can be applied, animatable parameters, can be converted to mesh etc ...
Customizable features:
- Columns
- Windows
- Frames
- Balconies
- Roof / Base
- Curved facade
Other features:
- Each part of the building have is own material ID making the texturing easier.
- Manage 6 differents material ID for the windows.
- Tiles, windows and balcony fills have their own UV mapping.
- Most parts of the building have an optimization option to decrease the mesh weight.
- Save/Load parameters in an external file.
- Multiply all distances at once, easy way to adapt the object to your scene units.
- By purchasing Fast Architecture you will also receive Oblong & Oblong Void Primitives for free.

Free downloadable models.
Those models were made with Fast Architecture, the purpose is to show how does this plug-in works with concrete examples, you are free to use and modificate those models. Each download contains several .fab files (this is the format file created by Fast Architecture), a library material file, textures and a ReadMe.txt file with instructions; it doesn't contain a max scene file, you will need to have the plug-in installed to open .fab files (demo or full version).
Most of the models are inspirated by existing architectural projects; design, dimensions and textures are just rough aproximations.

(Load only)
Aviable features on Demo version
Renderable object
Material ID
Optimize option
Multiply option
Extra column row
Curved facade
All roof options
Oblong & Oblong Void
Version 2.0.1
- Now the 'Create Material' option works fine with 3dsMax 2021
Version 2.0.0
New features:
- Balconies
- Extra column row
- More design options on roof
- Save/Load parameters option
- Multiply option
- More control options to apply material ID on windows
- Quad mesh
- Geometrical intersections in general
- UV on windows when curved option is on now works properly
- General UV now works properly with Mental Ray
Notice: This version uses a new class ID object and won't replace the older version.
Version 1.0.1
- Max float values = 999999.0
- Dynamic default value for Dist in Curved Building group
1- Menu bar > MAXScript > run script
2- Go to the Create tab on the right dock menu and look in the rollout list, Fast architecture should appear at the bottom of the list.
3- 3DS Max can also run the script automatically at start, copy .mse file in .../your max root/scripts/Startup